Troubleshooting Tips

Tips for Addressing Brake Rotor Warpage

Addressing brake rotor warpage requires a combination of proper installation techniques, high-quality materials, and customer education. By consistently following best practices during service, you can help ensure your repairs are effective and long-lasting.

Recommending High Quality Brake Pads

What's important to look for in a top-of-the-line brake pad and why it's important to understand the advanced technology that's packed into high quality brake pads to limit brake pad squealing or how brake pad construction can cause corrosion resulting in a shorter brake pad life.

How to Prepare Your Shop for EV Brake Repairs

As a technician, staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies is crucial for the success of both you and your shop. This is especially important when servicing electric vehicles (EVs).

Brake System Maintenance: DIY vs Professional Service

Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a professional, the ADVICS team of experienced techs are here to offer tips to help keep your – or your customers’ – brake systems in tip-top shape.

Electrification and ADAS: The Brake Pad Connection

In a 45-minute webinar, the experts and engineers from ADVICS explore why most late-model vehicles require a premium brake job to restore the performance and safety of the total vehicle.

Common Consumer Brake Pad FAQs

As a counter professional, you likely have customers inquiring daily about why they should purchase one brake pad over another. Our expert techs at ADVICS have compiled the following guide to help you with these conversations.

What is “brake fade” and how can it be prevented?

Brake fade presents itself in ways that feel similar to that of a worn-out brake pad. With brake fade, stopping power will return, although not always to the same extent once the problem has been addressed.

Tips for Counter Pros: Answering Brake Pad FAQs

As you know, issues with front brake rotors will feel like a shaking of the steering wheel when pressure is applied to the brake pedal.

How to Identify and Repair Brake Fluid Leaks

Identify and repair brake fluid leaks with these considerations.

Repairing Lost Pedal Pressure Within Your Braking System

Learn about brake hydraulics and the most commonly under or misdiagnosed causes of pedal pressure and how you should fix it.

Identifying and Preventing Warped Rotors

Brake rotors play a critical role in stopping the vehicle safely. How does rotor warping happen, what are the side effects and how can you prevent it?

Installation Procedure: Electric Parking Brake (EPB) Actuator Kits

Installation procedure for how to install an ADVICS Electric Parking Brake (EPB) Actuator Kits. Always consult the manufacturer's vehicle-specific service manual for reference.

How to Diagnose Brake Noise Issues

Brake noise is the most common reasons for customers to visit the shop. Vibration, ‘morning sickness’ and contamination can all be causes of brake noise.

How to Detect Signs of Worn-Out Brake Pads

Ensuring a vehicle’s braking system is in working order is crucial to your customers’ safety. So, a thorough assessment of the vehicle’s brake pad wear is a must.

Considerations for Counter Professionals When Recommending Brake Pads to Electric Vehicle (EV) Owners

As you know, issues with front brake rotors will feel like a shaking of the steering wheel when pressure is applied to the brake pedal.

Top Tips: Brake Jobs for ADAS-Equipped Vehicles

Performing brake service on vehicles equipped with ADAS or Advanced Driver Assistance Systems can now require additional steps to ensure brakes are in working order.